Категория: Analyses
The Changing Tides оf Black Sea Power Dynamics. Freedom of Navigation and Connectivity in the Black Sea Region
Ten years after the illegal annexation of Crimea and two years after the start of the war in Ukraine, the Russian ambition of establishing dominance over the Black Sea is more apparent than ever. By launching attacks on Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, improvising a naval route which hugs the coasts of NATO member-states and utilizing…
Възраждането на крайната десница в Европа и Новият пакт за миграция и убежище
At the end of 2023, a preliminary agreement was reached on the Migration and Asylum Pact proposed three years earlier by the European Commission (EC). The proposed changes aim to renew and coordinate European Union (EU) policies on migration, border control and asylum. It comes against a background of growing public concern about the rise…
Евроизбори: Kои ще са ключовите теми за европейския гласоподавател
More than 400 million Europeans will have the opportunity to vote in the European Parliament elections in June. What are the issues that will drive them to the polls? The European Green Pact, support for Ukraine, energy independence and security are just some of the issues that have dominated public discourse in the final years…
Шестата поправка на Конституцията на Република България
The Sixth Amendment of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria was approved by 165 Members of the National Assembly on the 20th of December on the third and final reading. The amendmends to the Constitution include significant changes, such as to the functions and structure of the judicial system, the structure and authority of…
Бъдещето на американската помощ за Украйна
Ukraine’s success in resisting the occupiers is largely due to Western assistance, which is expressed in diplomatic pressure, humanitarian and financial aid, weapons, and the imposition of various sanctions packages against Russia. U.S. military and financial aid is one of the most important components of the campaign to help Ukraine. The U.S has allocated nearly…
Бъдещето на политиката на ЕС за разширяване и изборите за Европейския парламент през 2024
Разширяването на Европейския съюз е ключова тема за бъдещето на регионалната сигурност и сътрудничество на Европа. Нашият обзор насочва вниманието към Европейския съвет на 14-15 декември в Брюксел, който ще бъде ключов за бъдещето на Съюза.